Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Bouncy Balls!

So our project today was making bouncy balls. The kids love bouncy balls. They are all over the house! I figured this would be perfect.
 It was fun, but it's a little more complicated than just putting vinegar in baking soda like we did a few weeks ago. It was a little hard because the kids couldn't measure things as easily. It's fun to see them work with what they can though. They love to make things and add food coloring to it! 
Happy kids! This is before they melted into blobs!
The problem came after they were finished. I'm not sure if our chemistry was off and I didn't mix things right, or what. They didn't solidify and just flattened out. We are going to try again. Ben has reminded me a hundred times already. Hopefully we can get a final product that doesn't look quite like this!
After an hour or so... no longer a ball shape!

Homemade Bouncy Balls

2 cups
Measuring spoons
A stir stick
2 tbsp hot water
1/2 tsp borax
1 tbsp glue
1 tbsp corn starch
Food coloring (optional)

Pour the water and borax into the first cup and stir the mixture until it is dissolved.

Pour the glue, cornstarch and food coloring into the second cup and mix. Then add the mixture from the first cup into the second cup.

Let the ingredients sit for 15 seconds then stir.

Once the mixture becomes difficult to stir, scoop it out of the cup, and roll into a ball. Enjoy!!!